Skilled Worker Referral Form

Skilled Worker Referral Form
You are asked to fill out this form because a person interested in immigrating to Canada has referred you as their connection to Morden. Be aware that the applicant will be assessed based on their connection to Morden, who must remain in Morden throughout the applicant’s immigration process. Do not fill this form if you are not certain of your intention to remain settled in Morden throughout the process. If you do not declare yourself as a connection to Morden the applicant will be evaluated on their own merit. ** MCDII selection is currently very competitive due to high numbers of applicants, including those with friend or family connection to Morden. Aside from evaluation on their own merits such as occupation compared to current priority occupations, language ability, etc., please note that strength of their connection to Morden will be evaluated on criteria such as: – Closeness of relationship to you – How long you have been in Morden – Your contribution to the Morden economy by working in Morden, volunteering and other community involvement, etc. – Success (retention) of applicants you have referred to our program in the past
Friend, family etc.